My Quarterlife Crisis

As my 26th birthday appears on the horizon I feel myself becoming more and more despondent. You’re 20’s is made out to be the time of adventure and opportunity. Of backpacking across far and distant lands and meeting new people. I haven’t had a gap year and travelled the world. I haven’t even interrailed. IContinue reading “My Quarterlife Crisis”

My Journaling Adventure

My love of journaling is a relatively new obsession. Until Coronavirus my view of journaling was that it was a waste of time, a chore and something that would actually just make me worse rather than better. How wrong I was! Over the last 12-15 months my mental health plummeted. Journaling and medication has beenContinue reading “My Journaling Adventure”

3 ways I am trying to be more assertive

I don’t know about you but something I really struggle with is standing up for myself appropriately, be more assertive (big word). I know myself well by now that sometimes I can come across as a little ‘bolchy’ as my mum calls it. Because of this I tend to lie down and roll over whenContinue reading “3 ways I am trying to be more assertive”

Why is it important to look after a mental health?

A simple question, yet one I have found many find difficult to answer. As part of Children’s mental health week this week I took to my work to ask staff and students why Mental Health week is important. The answers were brilliant, and I am very proud of their responses, but every single person struggled.Continue reading “Why is it important to look after a mental health?”

Toxic Positivity

It sounds like a bit of an oxymoron. How can being positive be toxic? Toxic positivity as defines by the Psychology Group “the excessive and ineffective overgeneralisation of a happy state across all situations… result[ing] in the denial…and invalidation of the authentic emotional experience”. In other words the papering over of how people feel insteadContinue reading “Toxic Positivity”

How to practice gratitude.

We are constantly surrounded by people asking us, what are you grateful for, and we know that practicing gratitude has incredible effects, from improving our mental health and boosting our relationships with others and ourselves. But what does it actually mean to be grateful and how do we do it? The dictionary definition of gratitudeContinue reading “How to practice gratitude.”

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